Laila Okoyo

There's comfort in the fingers of your good intent.

CW: This character's backstory and arc contain mentions of self-harm, gore, abuse, cannibalism, body horror, and eldritch beings instilling madness in the minds of men.

  • Age: 22

  • Gender: Female

  • Height: 5'2

  • Orientation: Bisexual

  • Relationsip Status: Simp for Menphina

  • Occupation: Witchy bitch/travelling healer and apothecary

  • Alignment: Lawful Evil

  • Notable Characteristics: Bandaged arms, scarred legs and torso, accented speech, stoic, mind the lipstick.

The Girl

A mysterious creature, Laila mostly keeps to herself. If she's not wandering the Shroud, she can be found people watching in various cities. It's a bit unnerving, her silent stare from across the room, but don't worry. She's just watching, making note, learning. Why? Ask, maybe she'll tell you. While her naivety in regards to mainstream Eorzean culture often paints her as a fish out of water, Laila is much more conscious of the world around her than she lets on. She may keep her words to a mininum, to the point of handicap from time to time, but don't think that this means she has nothing to say or that she hasn’t been paying attention. As she is next in line to lead her clan as Matriarch, the needs of her people and her dedication to Menphina will always come first. That said, as a healer, Laila is quick to help those in need, assuming she’s able. Her actual motives for such help are a bit of an enigma, however.

The Clan

The Okoyo clan aren't particularly well-known as very few members ever actually venture beyond their forested homestead in the South Shroud. They even go so far as to avoid other Keepers, convinced that all but them have lost their way. While their day to day life is shrouded in mystery, several rumours have managed to escape beyond the clan. Whispers of blood magic, dark rituals, unnatural elixirs, child sacrifices, and the slaughter of trespassers often accompany any mention of the Okoyo, though that could all be hearsay. It has to be, right?After the supposed End of Days, the Okoyo have not been seen. Trade has stopped entirely, and the stories of wicked witches within the woods have died down. Curious.


  • Keepers of the Moon: Laila has had very little contact with her fellow Keepers and find their customs fascinating as they differ so much from her own. Keepers with white hair are especially likely to garner her attention, as the Okoyo believe the trait to be a sign of Menphina's blessing.

  • Spooky Aether: If your character can sense aether, or has some tool in which to see it, they might notice that Laila's aether is a bit dark, a bit voidal. While she isn't voidsent herself, there's definitely some kind of connection there. Maybe that's worth looking into.

  • A Taste For Mages: Recently, Laila's taken in keen interest in those skilled in magical arts, or anyone with particularly potent aether. She stares, she's looms, she follows after them with a glint in her eye. It’s been rumoured that those who agree to venture off with her don’t always return, and those that do are a bit… different afterwards.

  • Gridania/The Shroud: The Okoyo’s contact with the outside world comes in two forms: trade and taking in lost or hurt travelers. If your character ever dealt in potions, or worked/lived in the Shroud, there’s a very real chance that they could have run into Laila when she still lived with them.

  • Potions: Speaking of potions, Laila is an excellent alchemist. Her formulas are based in ancient magic, passed down through her tribe for generations. Whatever ails your character, Laila can cure it. Need a poison? She can whip one up. Tinctures, elixirs, salves, smelling salts, mind-altering substances, she has it all. Click the link for a taste of her selection. Don't see what you're looking for? She'd be happy to brew something more to your liking.

  • Blood Magic: Looking to experience a more forbidden side of magic? Things like practical ethics holding you back? Never you worry, Laila’s got you covered. Reviving long lost loved ones, restoring a missing limb, hexes, curses, attaining power, there’s a solid chance she has some sort of ritual for it. Just keep in mind that such things will always come with a price.


Hey there, I’m Peach! Thanks so much for taking the time to read through this carrd. It may seem a little bare bones, but I like to keep a few secrets with my characters, rather than write out their life story for everyone to see. Trust me, there is a massive amount of lore behind the Okoyo clan and Laila herself that I’m excited to have people explore. If you’re interested in planning something out with me, feel free to drop me a /tell or just come say hi in game at Laila Okoyo on Blamung, or shoot me a DM on Discord. You can find me at oh.itspeach. I’m on Central Time and I’m usually available in the afternoon and evenings. I enjoy both quickfire and para RP and I’m happy to do scenes both IG and over Discord. While social RP can be fun, this character is definitely more suited to long-term plots and story arcs.A quick heads up on a few things:I do not RP with people who use transphobic phrases like futa or trap.I am only interested in RPing with players and characters who are 21+, though 25+ players are preferable.Dark and mature themes are a must, but fluff and light RP is always fun.Lore-bending is fine, Laila is very much a lore-bendy character, but I draw the line at full breaks or canonical character RP. Same goes for anything involving actual warriors of light.I do not accept the new trend of treating FFXIV as Second Life. Tomestones are not smartphones, and mp3 players do not exist. I will immediately leave an RP if someone attempts to shoehorn modern technology or references into a scene.While I do use mods, I only use Mare with writers I trust and have built a rapport with. After a few meetings between our characters, feel free to ask for my code. I would generally prefer to avoid the so-called "mod beasts", as well as anyone with fetish-like body modifications.If you are unable to distance in character interactions from out of character ones, we’re not going to be a good fit. If you are the kind of person who neglects your real life responsibilities or loved ones in order to RP, I don’t want to be involved in enabling you.I am extremely selective when it comes to who I write intimate scenes with. If we don't know one another well OOC, but our characters hit it off, I'll more than likely fade to black or summarize once things reach a certain level of heat.Please know that unless your character is ICly whispering to mine or doing something only she would see, I am not comfortable RPing through /tell. I enjoy interacting with the world of FFXIV and all the characters involved with it. If you're shy, or prefer less chat scroll, feel free to suggest moving somewhere less crowded.I look forward to hearing from you!


(Remember, the most important aspect of RP is consent! Please, do not slip characters these potions unless you have communicated it with their writer. If your character has been given a potion and you would prefer not to deal with the consequences, know that that is always YOUR choice! Feel free to ignore the effects or, if you would prefer to go along with the RP, contact me and I'll have Laila whip you up an antidote IC! I hand out actual potions crafted by me for the sake of knowing who has what, just in case something like this should occur. By no means are you required to pay actual gil for any of them, though it's always appreciated!)

Touch of The Goddess: A healing salve meant for small open wounds, bruises, and aching joints. Upon contact with the skin, it will clean and soothe the wound with a strong cooling sensation.
Side Effects: Numbing at application site.

Breath of The Goddess: A simple healing potion that restores energy, boosts the immune system, and will promote the healing of most wounds. Tastes like cherries!
Duration: 5 bells.
Side Effects: Excitability, nausea when consumed in excess.

Guidance of The Goddess: When soaked on a cloth and inhaler, this elixir will boost one's ability to maniulate the aether around them. Perfect for mage's of any school, Guidance allows spells to be cast with speed and ease.
Duration: 3 bells.
Side Effects: Heart palpitations, glowing eyes, a increased chance of static shocks.

Essence of Ice: A potion that numbs one's pain's receptors, leaving them able to take heavy amounts of damage without feeling a single blow. Sensitivity to pain after the effect has worn off may be higher.
Duration: 5 bells.
Side Effects: Irritability, restlessness, tingling sensation, numbing of lips, dependence.

Essence of Wind: A pain killer made with the extract of poppy flowers. Useful for those recovering from major injuries. Each bottle contains five doses.
Duration: 4 bells.
Side Effects: Slurred speech, lightheadedness, sweating, muscle weakness.
Warning: High risk of dependency, not for long-term use.

Halt: This aptly named potion leaves its consumer completely paralyzed, while still allowing major organs such as the lungs and heart to function, as well as keeping full awareness. Once consumed, it will take effect within five minutes.
Note: When mixed with Essence of Ice, these potions will create a potent anesthesia, allowing their consumer to sleep. This concoction is meant for prolonged medical procedures.
Duration: 5 bells.
Side Effects: Heavy sweating, fever. Upon rousing from paralysis: Joint pain, muscle pain, drowsiness.
Warning: Exceeding two doses within 24 bells may be fatal, use with caution.